Aircraft Rental

Rent Our Aircraft
Our Cessna 172 is a:
4 seat, primary/secondary/Garmin430W instrument aircraft. Hobbs time rate $165 per hour, wet
(surcharge applies when fuel exceeds $5gal.)
From discovery flight to solo to certification more pilots have launched their dreams in a Skyhawk than in any other aircraft. Because the Skyhawk is certified for VFR and IFR training it’s the perfect trainer no matter where you are on your journey to pilothood.
With more than 43,000 delivered the Cessna Skyhawk is the best-selling, most-flown aircraft ever. Maybe that’s because of it proven reliability – or its forgiving flight characteristics. Or maybe its reputation as the safest general aviation aircraft ever built. Because not only is the Skyhawk the most direct route to fulfilling your dreams of flight, it’s also an ideal instrument trainer and one of the world’s truly great airplanes.
Call or E-Mail us for more information or to book your rental.